Thursday, June 6, 2013

West Hollywood's Lesbian Problem

A little over a month ago, I "lost" a Facebook friend who is a prominent activist in the WeHo LGBT community because I dared to disagree with him that WeHo had a lesbian problem.  His argument was that gay men make up 43% of the city's population, and yet they don't have a single space to themselves, so why should lesbians get a "safe space?"

My counter to his argument was (and is):


Furthermore, I posit that this kind of anti-woman/anti-trans/anti-bi sentiment is something that is largely generational - the 40-somethings and up, specifically - and that younger members of the LGBT community are much more accepting of the reality that there are different types of people in our community, and that we can all coexist together.

Well, it looks as though my argument has been, yet again, been proven correct - the final lesbian bar in WeHo, supposedly the most gay-friendly part of Los Angeles, is closing its doors on Sunday, June 9th, because the new property owners want to "redevelop" the space.

The lesbian creep of which the middle-aged gay male community is so terrified is officially over.  They're gone; you've won.  And what do they get in return?  A "lesbian social space" on Robertson Boulevard.

Where is that, you might ask?  About as far from West Hollywood you can get without crossing into Beverly Hills.

So, the "lesbian social space" these assholes are bitching about is so far away from there world that they wouldn't walk there if there was a gym at the end of their trek.

I'm going to keep this short, and just say exactly what I feel like saying without the niceties:

The people who were bitching about this "lesbian social space" being "unfair" to gay men are an embarrassment to our community.  They are an affront to everything that we have spent the last half-century fighting for - equality, safety, recognition, and a place at the table - and though they certainly have the right to believe whatever they wish, I honestly can't wait until they're all dead, and the rest of us can get on with taking our movement forward...without them fucking it up for the rest of us.

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