Monday, September 30, 2013

Accepting Personal Responsibility

There is something of a victim culture in the 21st Century.  Now, I'm not speaking about the people in power who abuse their authority, privilege, and financial dominance to exploit those "beneath" them; I'm speaking about this concept of perpetual victimhood that we live in, today.

Example One: "Share the Road"

Okay, I'm all about sharing the road with bikers.  Hell, I was in a relationship with one for several years, one whom, I might add, has managed to total not one, but two bikes as a result of reckless drivers.  But, I know him to be a safe driver, on his own.

Basically, he's not an asshole - someone who swerves dangerously in and out of traffic with only a few feet between himself and the cars through which he's weaving, cutting people off, and leaving them only a nanosecond to slam on their brakes and cause a major pileup behind them.

Why should I share the road with someone who drives like that?  Just because that person has a death wish doesn't mean the rest of us do.  It is, in my opinion, our duty to keep the other drivers on the road who are obeying the law and not driving like assholes safe by running them over.

Fuck "sharing the road" with those people.  They're not bikers; they're a public menace.

Example Two: "Girls in Gay Bars"

My favorite argument made, today, was that girls shouldn't be in gay bars, because they're cockblocking the gays from getting with the other gays.

Really?  Most likely, it's the fact that you're a fucking douchebag about it.

Listen, people - we've fought for LGBT rights and equality for over fifty years, all so we could feel safe just being out and alive; so that we could have families, loved ones, and go into any establishment without being made to feel unwanted because of whom we love.

If you're one of those assholes who turns into a bitchy queen whenever women are in gay bars, you either need to shut the fuck up or never again complain when some business or public gathering place decides they don't want you in their establishment.  Ever.  You can't have it both ways - either we're welcome everywhere, or people can discriminate against us.  Your choice.

Example Three: "Guys on Grindr Don't Know Their HIV Status"

According to some study, 1 in 10 guys on Grindr haven't been tested for HIV and still post that they're negative.  People are acting shocked and surprised, and talking about how some guy "POZed" them (conveniently leaving out the fact that they knowingly had bareback sex with them).

You know what?  If you don't want to get shot, don't play with a gun that doesn't have the safety on.

That's not "blaming the victim;" it's telling people to buck the fuck up and accept some fucking responsibility for their own sexual health.

Wake up, people!  It's 2013!  Have we not basically learned over the past thirty-three years that you should always assume that people have some sort of STD unless proven otherwise?

People lie; they cheat; they do intravenous drugs (though new transmissions of HIV via this method are increasingly rare) - if you haven't caught on to the fact that you should wear a goddamned condom, you're an idiot.

If you were raped or drugged or someone purposely damaged a condom in order to spread the disease, you are not at fault in the slightest; if, however, you went out trolling for bareback sex without giving a fuck about your own safety enough to believe someone when they "say" they're positive, you ARE at fault.

I hate to sound like a Republican, but Jesus Christ!  Have some accountability.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

In Support of Violent Revolution...

Call it a knee-jerk reaction, but I have this insatiable urge to run people over with my car; or, perhaps, to beat them until they are incapacitated, leaving them forever crippled.

I know this is extreme, and as such, I never engage in my baser instincts.  They are just that, however - instincts.

Much as many of my über Liberal friends might like to believe, love isn't always the answer.  Sometimes, the only way to solve a problem is through violence, barbaric as that may be.  Much to the chagrin of everyone who believes that people don't learn lessons from violence, other than to spread more violence, tell that to the generation whose parents beat their asses into dark blue bruises if they ever uttered the word "nigger."

Violence is sometimes the answer, whether or not we believe it to be ethical.  Virtually every psychological study has shown that pain is, in fact, an excellent deterrent when it comes to associating certain behaviors with unrelenting pain.  Unless you're into pain, in which case, you become more apt to repeat the behavior (for my masochist friends).

I'm certain I will be pilloried for suggesting this, but I think it's time that the LGBT community, and other oppressed minorities, stop playing the victim.  I'm tired of reading about those "victims of bullying" whose bullies torment them relentlessly, and the school does nothing about it.

Don't get me wrong - I understand the psychology of abuse victims; the helplessness and often paralyzing fear of being attacked or killed.  There's nothing wrong with seeking help from other people.  There is no shame is saying that you are unable to deal with a situation.

What I am suggesting is that, instead of teaching victims (on a mentor/community level) to respond to bullying or violence by having someone else step in every goddamned time, that we start teaching them to defend themselves.

It's a novel idea, I know.

But, think about it.  We've trained women for decades in the art of self-defense against male attackers; why not dole out the same information to LGBT individuals?  I won't lie, if someone comes at me, I will not hesitate to fuck them up.

Why are gay men and women not using "Stand Your Ground" laws to our advantage?  Honestly, it's very likely that this is the surest way to get gun legislation passed - standing up to our oppressors and shooting them where they stand.

Why is there, every week, yet another story of some unsuspecting gay man/lesbian/couple being gay bashed outside a bar or in a "gayborhood," but no stories about any of those people beating the shit out of their would-be attackers?  Hell, a 70-year-old military vet can do it?  Why the fuck can't we?

It's unpopular to say this, of course, but it's likely because we're stuck in a cycle of abuse.  When assholes attempt to take our rights from us, we fret about it, rather than standing up and starting a revolution.  When bigots call us faggots, instead of walking over to them and beating the fuck out of them (as we should do), we get hurt and talk about "education."

Well, fuck education.  Some people simply don't learn - they are content to be ignorant pieces of shit, and as such, it is our patriotic duty to water the Tree of Liberty with their idiot blood.  Yes, this is an extreme reaction, but sometimes, to quote Jason Dean, "The extreme always seems to make an impression."

If we start standing up for ourselves, rather than laying down and allowing others to abuse and victimize us, they will learn...the hard way.