Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Sad Legacy [of People Who Hate] Roe v. Wade

Representative Diane Black (R-TN, 6th District) penned an opinion piece for Politico, in which she lies.

I won't even bother to mince words - she straight up lied her ass off for a 1.5 pages, citing dubious statistics (at best), and making ridiculously false claims about abortion, in general, and Planned Parenthood, specifically.

But realistically, no one will call her out for being a liar, because both the media and Planned Parenthood are afraid to actually call crazy liars what they are - "crazy liars."

Aside from providing statistics so outlandish that only an intellectually incurious pro-lifer could believe (e.g. - "In total, abortion services accounted for more than 92 percent of its pregnancy services"), Diane Black has no real interest in the children that would be produced from unwanted pregnancies.

The Republican party has, since being overrun by the Grand Arbiters of Moral Authority religious conservatives in the 1980s, waged a war not only on abortion, but on the impoverished.

That's right - they're not fighting a war on poverty, they're fighting a war against the impoverished, insuring through their legislative efforts on both the State and Federal levels that the poor stay poor, the under- and uneducated remain un- and misinformed, and that, by God, those women are going to give birth to those unwanted bastard babies, come hell or high water.

They are not, however, willing to pony up the money that it will require to raise these unwanted bastard children.  The GOTea, insisting that the purse strings need to be tightened and that necessary cuts need to be made, have gone out of their way to ensure that the children that are the result of unwanted pregnancies are almost certain to lead miserable lives fraught with hunger (by cutting TANF funds), illness (by cutting Medicaid funds), and lovelessness (by cutting funds for state-run adoption facilities and services).

But, remember - "Choose Life!"  "Life begins at conception!"

Well, that may well be, but that "Life" they make such a big goddamned deal about when it's still in the womb apparently stops being sacred after its mother ejects it from her vessel.

Once it's out in the world, it becomes an "anchor baby," "welfare baby," "a taker, not a maker," and an "entitlement baby."  What was once sacrosanct, quickly becomes a millstone around the taxpayers' collective neck, draining our precious resources.  Why should we fit the bill for these moochers?

Because the Republican party makes every effort to outlaw a practice that's been around since at least 2700 BC (or BCE in the modern nomenclature).


Here's my proposal, Republicans:

You can't have it both ways.  You can either

(A.)  Outlaw abortion and start to pony up the cash to provide funds for Medicaid, TANF, and state-run adoption facilities and providers, as well as foster programs,


(B.)  You can choose not to have an abortion in your own life, disagree with the practice in your own life, and kindly shut the fuck up and keep your nose out of other people's goddamned business.  

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